Rock of refuge
Leanne Clelland and Ruth Harvey of the Iona Community lead us in
reflective worship, finding refuge in the psalms

One: We gather in times of uncertainty;
All: so we find shelter in you,
loving God.
One: We gather in the face of storms;
All: so we find shelter in you,
loving God.
One: We gather as fragile people in
tender community;
All: so we find shelter in you,
loving God.
All: You, O God, are my refuge.
Let me never be put to shame.
A: Bend down your ear and hear me,
come quickly to my rescue;
be just, protect me from danger.
B: Be a place of safety for me,
a rock where I find shelter;
lead and guide me for your own
name’s sake.
All: You, O God, are my refuge.
Let me never be put to shame.
A: Set me free from the net spread
to catch me,
for you are my protector.
Into your hands I commit
my spirit.
B: Turn your face towards me,
with unfailing love defend me,
do not reject me when I call
your name. worship
Rock of refuge
Leanne Clelland and Ruth Harvey of the Iona Community lead us in
reflective worship, finding refuge in the psalms
A: Your goodness knows no limits;
it is kept for all who revere you
and turn to you in their need.
All: You, O God, are our refuge.
Let us never be put to shame.
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