Celebrating communication
Following her article on page 33 about worship in another language, Liz Marriott offers some ideas for a welcoming multi-lingual liturgy
THIS IS A VERY LOOSE suggestion for worship which will vary depending on the mix of a particular community and the languages used/spoken.
Find out the mix of languages used in your church community. Bear in mind that not all are verbal; you may have members for whom Sign Language is their preferred main language. In some places a church from another culture may share premises, eg a Chinese or African church. This could be an opportunity to share in a joint worship service.
For a welcome display, on screen or printed, choose a few simple words perhaps related to the season or a particular celebration, such as:
Welcome, Thank you, Harvest, Prayer, God
Have the words translated into the appropriate mix of languages.
Use hymns or worship songs that are either in another language or use a mixture of languages such as ‘Jesu, Tawa Pano’. This can have verses sung in the languages represented. Other hymns such as ‘Now thank we all our God’ can be found in the language in which they were written.
Look for speakers of different languages to do readings in their own tongue. English could be put in an order of service or displayed on screen. If possible choose suitable familiar texts. Native speakers are good, but your congregation may be blessed with linguists who speak languages other than their own.
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